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2015-2016 Calendar of Events

Important Dates:

( * requred for active members )


2016 (times and locations TBD):

January 6: First Day of Classes

22: Coffee Day, 8-4, Presser Pit

23-24: Province Officer Visit

February 4-6: Spring Rush Events

14: CEB, 6pm; Chapter*, 7pm

26: Coffee Day

27: Upsilon A Province Day

March 5: Major Elections*

8: Rose Dinner*

23: Composite Pictures*, 12-2pm

24-27: Spring House Cleaning

April 9: Senior Wills*

10: Minor Elections*, 9pm



2015 (All events occur at the SAI house, unless noted otherwise):

August 24: First day of classes

30: Presser Picnic, 12:30pm, Franklin Park

30: Chapter*

September 4: Coffee Day, 8-4, Presser Pit

7: Chapter*

10: SAI Game Night*

13: Chapter*

15: Fireside* 

18: SAI/DO Fall Recruitment Informational Meeting*, Presser C161

19: Coffee Day, 8-4, Presser Pit

20: Chapter*

27: Chapter*

October 4: Fiesta!* and Pie an SAI*, 1-3pm

4: Chapter*

6: Fireside* 8pm

10: Homecoming Alum Brunch*, 11am-2pm

11: Chapter*

18: Chapter*

22-25: Fall House Cleaning*

25: Chapter*

27: Rose Dinner*

30: Coffee Day, 8-4, Presser Pit

November 1: Chapter*

8: Sister Social Event*

8: Chapter*

10: Fireside*

13: Coffee Day, 8-4, Presser Pit

15: Chapter*

22: Chapter*

29: Chapter*

December 1: Season Soiree

4: Coffee Day, 8-4, Presser Pit

4: Last Day of Classes





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